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3 Types of Facebook Ad Audiences Authors should know about

Chase Austin

Are you an author interested in using Facebook Ads to market your book? It might be daunting to choose which strategies will be most beneficial. In this blog post I will show you the best Facebook ad audiences authors can use, as well as how to approach your Facebook marketing plan.

To begin with, it's important to understand that there are several sorts of writers and distinct objectives for your work. And after you've determined the action a reader should take in your ad, your marketing approach will become more defined.

How To Create Facebook Audiences

The majority of individuals do not browse Facebook to buy books or, for that matter, anything.

In the case of Amazon, the opposite is true. Typically, someone who searches Amazon to "buy fine point Sharpie pens" is looking for some cool, reasonably priced pens.

This is not to say that Facebook advertising is ineffective.

In fact, it is quite the contrary.

Facebook is a goldmine of opportunities for advertisers. Facebook enables you to attract moderately interested eyeballs to your books, courses, or other products and service and nurture them through your Facebook Author Page. In a way, Facebook's hyper targeting is incredible for increasing awareness for your brand and filling the funnel.

Naturally, doing so successfully demands a comprehensive knowledge of who you're trying to reach and, more significantly, how you're going about it.

This requires establishing a balance between broad and targeted audiences, essentially transforming your Facebook advertising into a self-contained marketing funnel.

To help you understand more on what kind of readers or audience you can target on Facebook, let go and talk about the three main types of Facebook Audience.

1. Facebook's Core/Saved Audience

You provide Facebook with a set of conditions in terms of demographics, interests, behavior, and so on. In response, Facebook would target a smaller group of people matching those criteria for your ads.

Here are some examples of how you may define these more targeted audiences:

  1. Find a list of authors your prospects might like, couple that with readers who enjoy romance novels and Ereaders, and then load them on top of a particular country like the United Kingdom.

  2. Use bespoke audiences based on website behaviors such as webinar registration or content downloads.

  3. Create a 1% lookalike audience by seeding it with your highest-spending consumers.

These (and an unlimited number of additional targeted ways) may help you skip the step between a prospect thinking, "huh, this seems cool," to then buying your book.

According to Facebook, targeted audiences "may result in a smaller potential audience, but perhaps one that is more interested in what you're promoting than a bigger and wider audience would have been."

2. Facebook Lookalike audience

Lookalike audiences on Facebook are audiences created using consumer interactions, pixel data, or already created custom audiences.

Unlike bespoke audiences, which target those who have already engaged with your business, lookalike audiences hunt for individuals who are similar to your current users.

It operates as follows:

  • You develop a customized audience depending on the individuals that connect with you.

  • You establish a lookalike audience by instructing Facebook to hunt for individuals similar to the members of your custom audience.

  • You specify the degree to which you want these persons to resemble your bespoke audience.

  • You then use ads to attract your brand new lookalike audience to the top of your reader funnel.

Lookalike audiences are effective because they enable you to connect with individuals who are similar to your current consumer base. The premise is that if something works for your existing readers, it should work for others in a similar situation.

3. Facebook Custom audience

A Facebook Custom Audience enables you to target Facebook advertisements to a particular group of individuals who have already engaged with your business.

Thus, rather than targeting individuals based on chance or general demographics such as age or gender, you may target people based on data gathered from your own website, app, offline lists, or directly from Facebook.

Utilizing a Facebook Custom Audience enables you to do some amazing things:

  • Ads targeting users who have engaged with one of your Facebook posts may be retargeted.

  • Creating ads for a particular group of your audience, such as your email list.

  • Existing readers might be up-sold new books or products.

In summary, Custom Audiences can help you be much more targeted with your marketing efforts. And when you can get your well-written Facebook advertisements in front of the right eyes, you should notice an overall increase in ROI and conversions.

The advantages of using Facebook Custom Audiences

There are several ways in which Facebook Custom Audiences might assist you in obtaining favorable outcomes from your advertising initiatives. Three of them are covered below that demonstrate the effect of Custom Audiences on your campaigns.

1. It results in a higher volume of qualified leads at a cheaper cost.

Facebook Custom Audiences is an excellent tool for you to get more quality leads at a reduced cost. This can be achieved by retargeting those who previously showed interest in your books but did not make a purchase.

2. It attracts high-quality visitors to your website.

Facebook Custom Audiences can assist you in increasing the traffic to your website.

3. It increases in-store traffic

If you sell directly to your readers via your website or an online store, you can retarget the readers who have earlier made purchases on your website or engaged with your other products.

Key takeaways

  • Identify the needs, characteristics, and motivations of a your ideal audience to help shape the target audience when creating an ad.

  • Based on the segment of the audience you want to target, create a Core Audience, Custom Audience, or Lookalike Audience in Ads Manager or in the Facebook Business Manager.

This is just a broad overview of what you can do with Facebook audiences. The more you can learn about these powerful marketing tools; the more effective your ad campaigns on Facebook will be.



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